Apixaban antithrombotics

Eliquis - BMS-562247 - BMS562247 - BMS 562247      

pathology Demonstrated benefit and harm k      
acute coronary syndrome

versus placebo or control

No demonstrated result for efficacy

apixaban inferior to placebo in terms of ISTH major or clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding in APPRAISE-1 (10mg od), 2009

apixaban inferior to placebo in terms of TIMI major or minor bleeding not related to CABG in APPRAISE 2, 2011

apixaban inferior to placebo in terms of major bleeding in APPRAISE 2, 2011

apixaban inferior to placebo in terms of ISTH major or clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding in APPRAISE 2, 2011

apixaban inferior to placebo in terms of any bleeding in APPRAISE 2, 2011

apixaban inferior to placebo in terms of major or minor bleeding in APPRAISE 2, 2011

3 trialsmeta-analysis
atrial fibrillation

versus anticoagulant

apixaban superior to warfarin standard dose in terms of all death in ARISTOTLE, 2011

apixaban superior to warfarin standard dose in terms of major bleeding in ARISTOTLE, 2011

apixaban superior to warfarin standard dose in terms of thrombo-embolic event (cerebral or systemic) in ARISTOTLE, 2011

2 trialsmeta-analysis
atrial fibrillation

versus antiplatelet drugs

No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
pulmonary embolism

versus discontinuation

No demonstrated result for efficacy

2 trialsmeta-analysis
pulmonary embolism

versus heparin/VKA

No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
thrombosis prevention


No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
thrombosis prevention

versus Low molecular weight heparin

No demonstrated result for efficacy

4 trialsmeta-analysis
venous thrombosis

versus discontinuation

No demonstrated result for efficacy

2 trialsmeta-analysis
venous thrombosis

versus heparin/VKA

No demonstrated result for efficacy

2 trialsmeta-analysis