
Browse trials

Voglibosediabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

Diabetes by 54% suggested

Voglibosediabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

Diabetes by 54% suggested

Vogliboseimpaired fasting glucose , in all type of patients vs placebo

Diabetes by 54% suggested

Candesartanatrial fibrillation, in patient with history of atrial fibrillation vs placebo

all NS

Candesartanatrial fibrillation, in patients without history of AF (primary prevention) vs placebo

all NS

Irbesartanatrial fibrillation, in patient with history of atrial fibrillation vs placebo

hospitalisation for heart failure by 13% suggested

Irbesartan vs control

atrial fibrillation recurrence by 61% suggested

Valsartanatrial fibrillation, in patient with history of atrial fibrillation vs placebo

all NS

Valsartanatrial fibrillation, in patients without history of AF (primary prevention) vs placebo

atrial fibrillation by 33% suggested

Valsartandiabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

Diabetes by 10% suggested

Valsartandiabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

Diabetes by 10% suggested

Valsartanimpaired fasting glucose , in all type of patients vs placebo

Diabetes by 10% suggested

Orlistatdiabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

Diabetes by 57% suggested

Orlistatdiabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

Diabetes by 57% suggested

Glipizidediabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Glipizidediabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

all NS

Metformindiabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs control

all NS

Metformin vs placebo

Diabetes by 33% suggested

Metformindiabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs control

all NS

Metformin vs placebo

Diabetes by 50% suggested

Metforminimpaired fasting glucose , in all type of patients vs placebo

Diabetes by 50% suggested

Nateglinidediabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Nateglinidediabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

all NS

Nateglinideimpaired fasting glucose , in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Rosiglitazonediabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

normoglycemia by 110% suggested

cardiovascular events by 52% suggested

Diabetes by 53% suggested

Rosiglitazonediabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

normoglycemia by 110% suggested

cardiovascular events by 52% suggested

Diabetes by 53% suggested

Rosiglitazoneimpaired fasting glucose , in all type of patients vs placebo

normoglycemia by 110% suggested

cardiovascular events by 52% suggested

Diabetes by 53% suggested

Troglitazonediabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Troglitazonediabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

all NS

Enalaprilatrial fibrillation, in patients without history of AF (primary prevention) vs placebo

atrial fibrillation by 78% suggested

Enalaprilatrial fibrillation, in patient with history of atrial fibrillation vs control

all NS

Lisinoprilatrial fibrillation, in patients without history of AF (primary prevention) vs placebo

all NS

Lisinoprilatrial fibrillation, in patient with history of atrial fibrillation vs placebo

all NS

Ramiprildiabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Ramiprildiabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

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Ramiprilimpaired fasting glucose , in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Gemfibrozilatrial fibrillation, in patients without history of AF (primary prevention) vs placebo

all NS

Losartanatrial fibrillation, in patients without history of AF (primary prevention) vs atenolol

atrial fibrillation by 34% suggested

Glarginediabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Glarginediabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs placebo

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Glargineimpaired fasting glucose , in all type of patients vs placebo

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Dietdiabetes type 2, in all type of patients vs AHA 1 diet

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Dietdiabetes type 2, in people with impaired glucose tolerance vs AHA 1 diet

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Folic acidpost stroke, in patients with prior stroke or TIA vs placebo

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Folic acid vs low dose - folic acid, vit B12 and vit B6

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Atorvastatinatrial fibrillation, in patient with history of atrial fibrillation vs control

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Atorvastatin vs placebo

atrial fibrillation recurrence by 36% suggested

Atorvastatinatrial fibrillation, in patients without history of AF (primary prevention) vs placebo

all NS

Pravastatinatrial fibrillation, in patient with history of atrial fibrillation vs control

all NS

Rosuvastatinatrial fibrillation, in patients without history of AF (primary prevention) vs placebo

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