
Browse trials

Fluvastatincardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs placebo

Coronary event by 33% suggested

Fluvastatincardiovascular prevention, in primary prevention vs placebo

all NS

Fluvastatincardiovascular prevention, in hypertensive patients vs placebo

all NS

Fluvastatinpercutaneous coronary intervention, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Atorvastatincardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs placebo

all NS

Atorvastatin vs usual care

Coronary event by 51% suggested

cardiac death by 43% suggested

All cause death by 43% suggested

Atorvastatin vs angioplasty

all NS

Atorvastatin vs atorvastatin

cardiovascular events by 21% fully demonstrated

Myopathy by 568% adverse event

Adverse events by 36% adverse event

stroke (fatal and non fatal) by 24% suggested

Coronary event by 20% suggested

Coronary death and non fatal MI by 20% suggested

Non fatal MI by 21% suggested

Atorvastatin vs lovastatin

all NS

Atorvastatin vs pravastatin

All cause death by 67% suggested

Atorvastatin vs simvastatin

Myopathy by 802% adverse event

Adverse events by 130% adverse event

Non fatal MI by 17% suggested

Atorvastatincardiovascular prevention, in diabetic patients vs placebo

MACE by 20% fully demonstrated

cardiovascular events by 19% suggested

Coronary event by 31% suggested

Non fatal MI by 40% suggested

Atorvastatincardiovascular prevention, in hypertensive patients vs placebo

Coronary event by 28% fully demonstrated

stroke (fatal and non fatal) by 27% suggested

Coronary death and non fatal MI by 35% suggested

MACE by 20% suggested

Atorvastatinheart failure, in all type of patients vs control

all NS

Atorvastatin vs placebo

all NS

Atorvastatin vs control

MI (CK-MB >3x ULN at 6 and 12 hours after PCI) by 44% suggested

MI (troponin I >3x ULN at 6 and 12 hours after PCI) by 44% suggested

Atorvastatin vs placebo

stroke (fatal and non fatal) by 71% suggested

MACE by 61% suggested

Non fatal MI by 64% suggested

Atorvastatin vs usual care

all NS

Cerivastatinheart failure, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Lovastatincardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs placebo

Coronary event by 24% fully demonstrated

Coronary death and non fatal MI by 24% suggested

Lovastatin vs usual care

all NS

Lovastatincardiovascular prevention, in diabetic patients vs placebo

all NS

Pravastatincardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs placebo

cardiovascular events by 17% fully demonstrated

Coronary event by 22% fully demonstrated

Coronary death by 21% fully demonstrated

Cardiovascular death by 21% suggested

stroke (fatal and non fatal) by 13% suggested

Coronary death and non fatal MI by 22% suggested

MACE by 18% suggested

Non fatal MI by 14% suggested

All cause death by 15% suggested

Pravastatin vs usual care

all NS

Pravastatincardiovascular prevention, in hypertensive patients vs usual care

all NS

Pravastatincardiovascular prevention, in primary prevention vs control

cardiovascular events by 25% suggested

Coronary event by 33% suggested

Coronary death by 47% suggested

MACE by 30% suggested

Pravastatin vs placebo

Coronary event by 23% fully demonstrated

cardiovascular events by 41% suggested

Cardiovascular death by 32% suggested

Coronary death and non fatal MI by 30% suggested

Non fatal MI by 30% suggested

Pravastatin vs usual care

all NS

Pravastatincardiovascular prevention, in diabetic patients vs placebo

all NS

Pravastatinpercutaneous coronary intervention, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Rosuvastatincardiovascular prevention, in diabetic patients vs placebo

all NS

Rosuvastatincardiovascular prevention, in primary prevention vs placebo

cardiovascular events by 32% fully demonstrated

MACE by 32% fully demonstrated

Venous thromboembolism by 43% suggested

stroke (fatal and non fatal) by 37% suggested

Coronary event by 35% suggested

Coronary death and non fatal MI by 35% suggested

cardiac death by 26% suggested

Non fatal MI by 65% suggested

All cause death by 12% suggested

Rosuvastatinheart failure, in all type of patients vs placebo

all NS

Simvastatincardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs placebo

All cause death by 15% fully demonstrated

cardiovascular events by 26% suggested

Cardiovascular death by 20% suggested

stroke (fatal and non fatal) by 25% suggested

Coronary event by 27% suggested

Coronary death and non fatal MI by 26% suggested

Coronary death by 22% suggested

cardiac death by 41% suggested

Non fatal MI by 36% suggested

Simvastatin vs simvastatin

Rhabdomyolysis by 1667% adverse event

Non fatal MI by 14% suggested

Simvastatincardiovascular prevention, in diabetic patients vs placebo

all NS

Simvastatinheart failure, in all type of patients vs control

all NS

Simvastatin vs placebo

all NS

Simvastatin vs ezetimibe

all NS