Ramipril angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Zabien - Tritace - Acovil - Carasel - Vesdil - Ramace - Delix - Altace - Triatec

Trial Studied treatment Control Patients Size Study type Results NCT

Acute myocardial infarction - angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in patients with or without HF - angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after MI - angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in systematic early treatment (with or without sign of HF)

AIRE, 1993ramiprilplacebo1996 (1004/992) Confirmatory
Wagner, 2002ramiprilplacebo99 (51/48) Exploratory

Atrial fibrillation - prevention in patient with history of atrial fibrillation

Brown ongoing ramiprilplacebo777 NCT00141778

Diabetes type 2 - prevention in all type of patients - prevention in people with impaired glucose tolerance - anti hypertensive agents in patients with or without hypertension

DREAM ramipril, 2006ramiprilplacebo5269 (2623/2646) Confirmatory NCT00095654
DIABHYCAR, 2004ramiprilplacebo4912 (2443/2469) Confirmatory
DREAM, 2008ramiprilplacebo5269 (2623/2646)

Diabetic kidney disease - All mechanism in all type of patients

DIABHYCAR, 2004ramiprilplacebo4912 (2443/2469) Confirmatory

Heart failure - angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in all type of heart failure - angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in MI patients with LV dysfunction without clinical evidence of HF

Swedberg, 1991ramiprilcontrol223 (115/108)
AIRE, 1993ramiprilplacebo1996 (1004/992) Confirmatory
Gordon, 1991ramiprilplacebo192 (94/98) Exploratory
Gundersen, 1994ramiprilplacebo195 (104/91) Exploratory
Lemarie, 1992ramiprilplacebo85 (42/43) Exploratory
Maass-a, 1991ramiprilplacebo132 (87/45)
Maass-b, 1991ramiprilplacebo500 (329/171) Exploratory
Maass-c, 1991ramiprilplacebo95 (47/48) Exploratory

Hypertension - anti hypertensive agents in all type of patient - anti hypertensive agents in nephropathy - angiotensin-receptor blockers in all diseases requiring ACEi (HF, CHD, HT,...) - anti hypertensive agents in patients undergoing dialysis

AASK (ramipril vs amlodipine), 2002ramiprilamlodipine653 (436/217)
AASK (ramipril vs metoprolol), 2002ramiprilmetoprolol877 (436/441)
Li et al, 2003ramiprilusual care60 (30/30)
ONTARGET/Tel+Ram, 2008Telmisartan + ramiprilRamipril17078 (8502/8576) Confirmatory

Impaired fasting glucose - prevention in all type of patients

DREAM ramipril, 2006ramiprilplacebo5269 (2623/2646) Confirmatory NCT00095654

Miscellaneous - angiotensin-receptor blockers in all type of patients

ONTARGET (association vs ramipril), 2008telmisartan + ramiprilramipril17078 (8502/8576) NCT00153101
ONTARGET (association vs telmisartan), 2008telmisartan + ramipriltelmisartan17044 (8502/8542) NCT00153101

Patients at high risk for cardiovascular events - angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in all type of patients - inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system (ACEI or ARB) in all type of patients - angiotensin-receptor blockers in all type of patients

HOPE, 2000ramiprilplacebo9297 (4645/4652)
ONTARGET (association vs ramipril), 2008telmisartan + ramiprilramipril17078 (8502/8576) NCT00153101
ONTARGET (association vs telmisartan), 2008telmisartan + ramipriltelmisartan17044 (8502/8542) NCT00153101