endovascular treatment

TrialStudied treatmentControl treatmentpatientsROBResultNCT

carotid stenosis

carotid artery stenting
Leicester (Naylor), 1998carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
SPACE, 2000carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
EVA-3S (Mas), 2000carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Suggesting
WALLSTENT (Alberts), 2001carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias -
CAVATAS-CEA, 2001carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Suggesting ISRCTN01425573
Kentucky A (Brooks), 2001carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
Kentucky B (Brooks), 2004carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
SAPPHIRE (yadav), 2004carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
BACASS (Hoffman), 2006carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
TESCAS-C (Ling), 2006carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
CREST, 2010carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Suggesting NCT00004732
ICSS, 2010carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative ISRCTN25337470
ACST-2 ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery - NCT00883402
ACT I ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery - NCT00106938
Agostoni ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery -
Link ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery -
SPACE 2 ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery -