direct antithrombins


pathologytreatmentpatient Demonstrated benefit and harm k      
atrial fibrillationdabigatrannot classified

versus anticoagulant

No demonstrated result for efficacy

dabigatran 150mg inferior to warfarin standard dose in terms of Gastrointestinal major bleeding in RE-LY (150mg), 2009

3 trialsmeta-analysis
atrial fibrillationximelagatrannot classified

versus anticoagulant

No demonstrated result for efficacy

ximelagatran inferior to warfarin standard dose in terms of hypertransaminasemia in SPORTIF V, 2005

3 trialsmeta-analysis
thrombosis preventiondabigatranhip surgery

versus Low molecular weight heparin

No demonstrated result for efficacy

dabigatran 150mg inferior to enoxaparin in terms of symptomatic DVT in RE-NOVATE (150mg), 2007 (hip surgery patients)

3 trialsmeta-analysis
thrombosis preventiondabigatranknee surgery

versus Low molecular weight heparin

No demonstrated result for efficacy

dabigatran 220mg inferior to enoxaparin (US regimen) in terms of total VTE and all-cause mortality in RE-MOBILIZE (220mg), 2008 (knee surgery patients)

dabigatran 150mg inferior to enoxaparin (US regimen) in terms of distal DVT in RE-MOBILIZE (150mg), 2008 (knee surgery patients)

dabigatran 150mg inferior to enoxaparin (US regimen) in terms of total VTE and all-cause mortality in RE-MOBILIZE (150mg), 2008 (knee surgery patients)

4 trialsmeta-analysis
thrombosis preventionximelagatrannot classified

versus Low molecular weight heparin

No demonstrated result for efficacy

ximelagatran inferior to Enoxaparin in terms of DVT+PE in Platinum (Colwell), 2003

ximelagatran inferior to Enoxaparin in terms of serious bleeding in EXPRESS, 2003

6 trialsmeta-analysis