
Browse trials

treatment    comparator  All cause death Coronary death Coronary event Cardiovascular death Amputation Haemmorhagic stroke Non fatal stroke Non fatal MI ischemic stroke  stroke (fatal and non fatal)  cardiovascular events cardiovascular death, MI, stroke new-onset diabetes  new-onset atrial fibrillation      
Beta carotenecardiovascular prevention, in all type of patients vs placebo by 15% - by 80% by 28% -NSNSNSNS by 74% by 31% ---
Beta carotenecardiovascular prevention, in primary prevention vs placebo by 26% - by 88% by 33% ----- by 86% by 68% ---
Beta carotenecardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs placeboNSNSNSNS-NSNSNSNSNSNS---
Vitamin ccardiovascular prevention, in all type of patients vs placeboNS-NSNS-NSNSNS by 15% NSNS---
Vitamin ccardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs placeboNS-NSNS-NSNSNSNSNSNS---
Vitamin ccardiovascular prevention, in primary prevention vs placeboNS--NS-NS--NSNSNS---
Vitamin ecardiovascular prevention, in all type of patients vs controlNS-NSNS-NSNSNSNSNSNS---
Vitamin ecardiovascular prevention, in all type of patients vs placeboNS-NSNS- by 22% NSNSNSNSNS---
Vitamin ecardiovascular prevention, in primary prevention vs controlNS-NSNS-NSNSNSNSNSNS---
Vitamin ecardiovascular prevention, in primary prevention vs placeboNS--NS-NS--NSNSNS---
Vitamin ecardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs controlNS--NS--NSNS-NSNS---
Vitamin ecardiovascular prevention, in secondary prevention vs placeboNSNSNSNS-NSNSNSNSNSNS---
Vitamin ecardiovascular prevention, in patients with renal disease vs placeboNS-NSNS----NSNSNS---
Vitamin eperipheral vascular diseases, in all type of patients vs placeboNS---NS----NS----