Browse trials

Bemiparinvenous thrombosis, in all type of patients vs warfarin

all NS

Ardeparinthrombosis prevention, in orthopedic surgery vs placebo

all NS

Ardeparinthrombosis prevention, in general surgery vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Certoparinthrombosis prevention, in orthopedic surgery vs Unfractionated heparin

all NS

Certoparinthrombosis prevention, in general surgery vs unfractionated heparin

Bleeding by 42% suggested

Certoparinthrombosis prevention, in abdominal surgery vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Certoparinthrombosis prevention, in gynaecological surgery vs unfractionated heparin

Bleeding by 48% suggested

Major bleeding by 42% suggested

Certoparinthrombosis prevention, in medical patients vs UFH

all NS

Dalteparinthrombosis prevention, in general surgery vs placebo

asymptomatic DVT by 74% suggested

Dalteparin vs unfractionated heparin

wound haematoma / infection by 49% suggested

Dalteparinthrombosis prevention, in orthopedic surgery vs placebo

all NS

Dalteparin vs Dextran

all NS

Dalteparin vs Unfractionated heparin

all NS

Dalteparinthrombosis prevention, in medical patients vs placebo

Deep vein thrombosis by 51% suggested

asymptomatic DVT by 49% suggested

Dalteparin vs UFH

pulmonary embolism (symptomatic and asymptomatic) by 44% suggested

Dalteparinthrombosis prevention, in abdominal surgery vs unfractionated heparin

wound haematoma / infection by 48% suggested

Dalteparinthrombosis prevention, in gynaecological surgery vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Dalteparinvenous thrombosis, in all type of patients vs warfarin

VTE during active anticoagulant treatment by 42% suggested

Dalteparin vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Dalteparin vs twice daily dalteparin

all NS

Enoxaparinthrombosis prevention, in orthopedic surgery vs no treatment

all NS

Enoxaparin vs placebo

all NS

Enoxaparin vs Dextran

all NS

Enoxaparin vs Unfractionated heparin

all NS

Enoxaparinthrombosis prevention, in medical patients vs placebo

asymptomatic DVT by 61% suggested

Enoxaparin vs UFH

all NS

Enoxaparinthrombosis prevention, in general surgery vs no treatment

Bleeding by 278% suggested

Enoxaparin vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Enoxaparinthrombosis prevention, in gynaecological surgery vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Enoxaparinthrombosis prevention, in abdominal surgery vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Enoxaparinthrombosis prevention, in neurosurgery vs placebo

all NS

Enoxaparinvenous thrombosis, in all type of patients vs acenocoumarol

all NS

Enoxaparin vs coumarin

VTE during active anticoagulant treatment by 97% suggested

Enoxaparin vs warfarin

all NS

Enoxaparin vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Enoxaparin vs twice daily enoxaparin

all NS

Enoxaparin vs UFH

all NS

Fraxiparinthrombosis prevention, in general surgery vs placebo

Major bleeding by 151% adverse event

Symptomatic venous thromboembolism (DVT, PE) by 71% suggested

wound haematoma / infection by 88% suggested

transfusion by 65% suggested

Bleeding by 109% suggested

Fraxiparinthrombosis prevention, in orthopedic surgery vs Unfractionated heparin

all NS

LMWHthrombosis prevention, in medical patients vs UFH

All cause death by 150% suggested

Nadroparinthrombosis prevention, in orthopedic surgery vs no treatment

all NS

Nadroparin vs placebo

all NS

Nadroparinthrombosis prevention, in medical patients vs placebo

all NS

Nadroparinthrombosis prevention, in general surgery vs no treatment

asymptomatic DVT by 81% suggested

Nadroparin vs placebo

all NS

Nadroparin vs unfractionated heparin

asymptomatic DVT by 39% suggested

Symptomatic venous thromboembolism (DVT, PE) by 75% suggested

Nadroparinthrombosis prevention, in abdominal surgery vs unfractionated heparin

Symptomatic venous thromboembolism (DVT, PE) by 73% suggested

Nadroparinthrombosis prevention, in neurosurgery vs placebo

all NS

Nadroparinvenous thrombosis, in all type of patients vs acenocoumarol

all NS

Nadroparin vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Nadroparin vs twice daily nadroparin

all NS

Reviparinthrombosis prevention, in general surgery vs unfractionated heparin

wound haematoma / infection by 44% suggested

Bleeding by 31% suggested

Major bleeding by 69% suggested

Tinzaparinthrombosis prevention, in orthopedic surgery vs placebo

all NS

Tinzaparinthrombosis prevention, in general surgery vs placebo

all NS

Tinzaparin vs unfractionated heparin

all NS

Tinzaparinvenous thrombosis, in all type of patients vs acenocoumarol

recurrent DVT by 79% suggested

Tinzaparin vs warfarin

all NS

Tinzaparin vs unfractionated heparin

Short term haemorrhage by 91% suggested

Logiparinvenous thrombosis, in all type of patients vs twice daily logiparin

all NS

UFHthrombosis prevention, in neurosurgery vs no treatment

asymptomatic DVT by 82% suggested