new version V2017


TrialStudied treatmentControl treatmentpatientsROBResultNCT

cardiovascular prevention

Marmorstein, 1962estrogenplacebo Low risk of bias -
Stamler, 1963estrogenplacebo Low risk of bias -
VA Neurology Section (estrogen), 1966estrogenplacebo Low risk of bias -
VA drugs (Estrogen or thyroxine), 1968estrogen or thyroxineplacebo Low risk of bias Suggesting
CDP estrogen 5, 1975estrogenplacebo Low risk of bias -
CDP estrogen 2.5, 1975estrogenplacebo Low risk of bias -
HERS, 1998combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Low risk of bias Negative NCT00319566
Hall, 1998combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Exploratory Negative
ERA (estrogen alone ), 2000estrogenplacebo Exploratory NegativeNCT00000549
EVTET, 2000combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Low risk of bias Negative
ERA (estrogen plus medroxyprogesterone), 2000combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Exploratory NegativeNCT00000549
EPAT, 2001estrogenplacebo Exploratory Negative
WEST, 2001estrogenplacebo Low risk of bias Negative
WAVE, 2002combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Exploratory NegativeNCT00000555
Schulman (NHLBI) (estrogen alone), 2002estrogenplacebo Exploratory - NCT00000601
ESPRIT, 2002estrogenplacebo Low risk of bias Negative
WHI, 2002combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Low risk of bias Negative
Schulman (NHLBI) (estrogen-progestogen), 2002combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo - NCT00000601
WELL-HART (estrogen alone), 2003estrogenplacebo Exploratory NegativeNCT00000559
WELL-HART (estrogen-progestin), 2003combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Exploratory NegativeNCT00000559
EAGAR, 2006combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Exploratory Negative NCT00000605
WHISP, 2006combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Exploratory Negative
WISDOM, 2007combined estrogen and progestogenplacebo Low risk of bias Negative ISRCTN63718836