new version V2017

endovascular treatment


TrialStudied treatmentControl treatmentpatientsROBResultNCT

carotid stenosis

carotid artery stenting
Leicester (Naylor), 1998carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
SPACE, 2000carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
EVA-3S (Mas), 2000carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Suggesting
WALLSTENT (Alberts), 2001carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias -
CAVATAS-CEA, 2001carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Suggesting ISRCTN01425573
Kentucky A (Brooks), 2001carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
Kentucky B (Brooks), 2004carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
SAPPHIRE (yadav), 2004carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
BACASS (Hoffman), 2006carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
TESCAS-C (Ling), 2006carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative
CREST, 2010carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Suggesting NCT00004732
ICSS, 2010carotid artery stentingsurgery Risk of bias Negative ISRCTN25337470
ACST-2 ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery - NCT00883402
ACT I ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery - NCT00106938
Agostoni ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery -
Link ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery -
SPACE 2 ongoing carotid artery stentingsurgery -