new version V2017

EGFR inhibitors

Afatinib - Cetuximab - Dacomitinib - Erlotinib - Gefitinib - Lapatinib - Osimertinib      

TrialStudied treatmentControl treatmentpatientsROBResultNCT

lung cancer (metastatic)

LUX-LUNG 3, 2015afatinibcisplatin-based chemotherapy -
LUX-LUNG 6, 2015afatinibcisplatin-based chemotherapy -
1200.34 ongoing afatinibChemotherapy - NCT01121393
1200.42 ongoing afatinibchemotherapy - NCT01085136
1200.32 ongoing afatinibCisplatin/Pemetrexed - NCT00949650
LUX-LUNG 8 ongoing afatinibErlotinib - NCT01523587
LUX-LUNG 1 ongoing afatinibplacebo - NCT00656136
Butts, 2007cetuximabCT alone -
Rosell, 2008cetuximab + CTCT alone -
FLEX (Pirker), 2009cetuximab + CTCT aloneSuggestingNCT00148798
Lynch, 2010cetuximabCTNegative
ARCHER 1050dacomitinibgefitinib - NCT01774721
FASTACT-2 (Wu) erlotinib + Platinum-based CTPlatinum-based CTSuggesting NCT00883779
Boutsikouerlotinib + Platinum-based CTPlatinum-based CTNegative
Stinchcombeerlotinib + Platinum-based CTPlatinum-based CTNegative
Lee erlotinib + Platinum-based CTPlatinum-based CTSuggesting NCT00550173
SATURN (Cappuzzo)erlotinib + Platinum-based CTPlatinum-based CTSuggesting NCT00556712
Mok erlotinib + Platinum-based CTPlatinum-based CTSuggesting
Gatzemeier erlotinib + Platinum-based CTPlatinum-based CTNegative
TRIBUTE (Herbst)erlotinib + Platinum-based CTPlatinum-based CTNegative
TITANerlotinibPlatinum-based CTNegative NCT00556322
EUTRACerlotinibPlatinum-based CTSuggesting NCT00446225
OPTIMAL erlotinibPlatinum-based CTSuggesting NCT00874419
West Japangefitinib -
Northeast Japangefitinib -
IPASSgefitinibcarboplatin/paclitaxel1L -
First Signalgefitinibgemcitabine and cisplatin1L -
INTACT 1.gefitinib + gemcitabine/cisplatinplacebo + gemcitabine / cisplatin1L -
Kris, 2003gefitinibgefitinib2L -
INTACT 2, 2004gefitinib paclitaxel and carboplatinpaclitaxel and carboplatin1L -
Tsuboi, 2005gefitinibplacebo -
SIGN (Cufer), 2006gefitinibdocetaxel2LNegative
ISEL, 2006gefitinibplacebo2L -
V-15-32 (Maruyama), 2008gefitinibdocetaxel2LSuggesting
INTEREST (Kim), 2008gefitinibdocetaxel2LNegative
SWOG S0023 (Kelly), 2008gefitinibplacebo -
INVITE (Crinò), 2008gefitinibvinorelbine1L - NCT00256711
IPASS (Mok), 2009gefitinibcarboplatin-paclitaxel1L - NCT00322452
Goss, 2009gefitinibplacebo1L -
Maemondo, 2010gefitinibcarboplatin-paclitaxel2L - UMIN-CTR C000000376
WJTOG3405 (Mitsudomi), 2010gefitinibcisplatin plus docetaxel -
WJTOG0203 (Takeda), 2010gefitinibcontinued platinum-doublet chemotherapy -
IFCT-0301 study (Morère), 2010gefitinibdocetaxel -
ISTANA (Lee), 2010gefitinibdocetaxel2LSuggesting
EORTC 08021/ILCP 01/03, 2011gefitinibplacebo2L - NCT00091156
INFORM; C-TONG 0804, 2012gefitinibplacebo - NCT00770588
CTONG0806 (Yang), 2013gefitinib -
NEJ002, 2013gefitinibcarboplatin-paclitaxel1L -
NCIC CTG BR19 (Goss), 2013gefitinibplacebo -
FLAURA, 2017osimertinibplacebo1L Low risk of bias Suggesting NCT02296125
AURA 3, 2017osimertinibplatinum-based therapy plus pemetrexed 2LSuggestingNCT02151981