Ipilimumab immune checkpoint inhibition

MDX-010 - MDX010 - DX 010 - Yervoy - MDX-CTLA-4

Trial Studied treatment Control Patients Size Study type Results NCT

Lung cancer (metastatic) - immune checkpoint inhibition in all type of patients

Reck, 2016ipilimumab + chemotherapyplacebo + chemotherapySCLC954 (478/476) NCT01450761
Govindan, 2017ipilimumab + chemotherapyplacebo + chemotherapy1L749 (388/361) Confirmatory NCT01285609
phase 2 (phased ipilimumab), 2012ipilimumab + chemotherapyplacebo + chemotherapy204

Melanoma - immune checkpoint inhibition in all type of patients - immune checkpoint inhibition in second line (or later) - immune checkpoint inhibition in first line - immune checkpoint inhibition in adjuvant setting - All mechanism in adjuvant setting - A EFFACER in adjuvant 1 - NOVARTIS - Miscellaneous in adjuvant stage III only - NOVARTIS

Hodi (ipi + gp100), 2010ipi + gp100gp1002L539 (403/136) Confirmatory - NCT00094653
EORTC 18071 (Eggermont), 2015ipilimumabplaceboadjuvant951 (475/476) Confirmatory NCT00636168
Robert, 2011ipilimumab + dacarbazinedacarbazine1LNA Confirmatory NCT00324155
Hodi (ipi alone), 2010ipilimumab 3 mg/kggp1002L273 (137/136) Confirmatory - NCT00094653