Trial Studied treatment Control Patients Size Study type Results NCT

Diabetes type 2 - anti hypertensive agents in patients with hypertension - anti hypertensive agents in patients with or without hypertension

SHEP (diabetic subgroup), 1996chlorthalidoneplacebo583 (283/300) Exploratory

Hypertension - anti hypertensive agents in all type of patient - anti hypertensive agents in uncomplicated hypertension - anti hypertensive agents in diabetic patients - anti hypertensive agents in very ederly (80 and more)

SHEP-pilot, 1989chlorthalidoneplacebo551 (443/108)
VA-NHLBI, 1977chlorthalidoneplacebo1012 (508/504)
SHEP, 1991chlorthalidoneplacebo4736 (2365/2371) NCT00000514
SHEP (diabetic subgroup), 1996chlorthalidoneplacebo583 (283/300) Exploratory
SHEP-P (subgroup ), 1989chlorthalidoneplacebo85 (70/15)
SHEP (subgroup ), 1991chlorthalidoneplacebo650 (331/319)