Cangrelor antiplatelets drug

AR-C69931MX - AR C69931MX

Trial Studied treatment Control Patients Size Study type Results NCT

Acute coronary syndrome - New P2Y12 Inhibitors in all type of patients

CHAMPION-PCI, 2009cangrelor up frontclopidogrel up front8722 (4367/4355) Confirmatory NCT00305162
CHAMPION-PLATFORM, 2009cangrelor up frontdelayed clopidogrel5362 (2693/2669) NCT00385138

CABG surgery - antiplatelets drug in all type of patients

Bridge ongoing cangrelor placeboNA NCT00767507

Percutaneous coronary intervention - antithrombotics in all type of patients - pre treatment for PCI in stable and unstable ACS

CHAMPION PHOENIX, 2013cangrelorclopidogrel10942 (5472/5470) Confirmatory NCT01156571
CHAMPION-PCI, 2009cangrelor up frontclopidogrel up front8722 (4367/4355) Confirmatory NCT00305162
CHAMPION-PLATFORM, 2009cangrelor up frontdelayed clopidogrel5362 (2693/2669) NCT00385138