Alogliptin antidiabetic drugs

SYR-322 - SYR322 - SYR 322

Trial Studied treatment Control Patients Size Study type Results NCT

Diabetes type 2 - insulin secretagogues in all type of patients - antidiabetic drugs in patients inadequately controlled on metformin - antidiabetic drugs in patients inadequately controlled on monotherapy - insulin secretagogues - DPP-4 inhibitors in all types of patients - glucose lowering for cardiovascular prevention in all type of patients

Bosi , 2011alogliptinNA NCT00432276
DeFronzo , 2008alogliptinNA NCT00286455
Kaku, 2011alogliptinNA
Pratley, 2009alogliptinNA NCT00286468
Pratley, 2009alogliptinNA NCT00286494
Rosenstock, 2009alogliptinNA NCT00286429
Rosenstock, 2010alogliptinNA NCT00395512
Seino, 2011alogliptinNA NCT01263509
Seino, 2011alogliptinNA
EXAMINE, 2013alogliptinplacebo5380 (2701/2679) Exploratory NCT00968708
EXAMINE, 2011alogliptinplaceboNA NCT00968708
Nauck, 2009alogliptinplacebo (add on MET)314 (210/104) Exploratory NCT00286442