Elinogrel antiplatelets drug

PRT-060128 - PRT060128 - PRT 060128 - elinogrel

Trial Studied treatment Control Patients Size Study type Results NCT

Acute coronary syndrome - New P2Y12 Inhibitors in all type of patients - antiplatelets drug in STEMI patients

INNOVATE ongoing elinogrelerrorNA NCT00751231
ERASE-MI, 2009elinogrelplacebo70 (34/36) Exploratory

Acute myocardial infarction - antiplatelets drug in all type of patients

INNOVATE ongoing elinogrelerrorNA NCT00751231
ERASE-MI, 2009elinogrelplacebo70 (34/36) Exploratory

Percutaneous coronary intervention - antithrombotics in all type of patients

INNOVATE PCIelinogrelclopidogrelNA NCT00751231