Alirocumab PCSK9 Inhibitors

Praluent - SAR236553 - monoclonal antibody REGN727 - REGN727 monoclonal antibody - alirocumab

Trial Studied treatment Control Patients Size Study type Results NCT

Cardiovascular prevention - PCSK9 Inhibitors in all type of patients - on top statins in all type of patients

CHOICE I ongoing alirocumabNA NCT01926782
CHOICE II ongoing alirocumabNA NCT02023879
NCT01288469 ongoing alirocumabNA NCT01288469
ODYSSEY OPTIONS Ialirocumabezetimibe (on top statin)NA
ODYSSEY OPTIONS IIalirocumabezetimibe (on top statin)NA
ODYSSEY MONOalirocumabezetimibe aloneNA NCT01644474
ODYSSEY Alternativealirocumabplacebo (on top statins)NA NCT01709513
ODYSSEY COMBOalirocumabplacebo (on top statins)NA NCT01644175
ODYSSEY COMBO IIalirocumabplacebo (on top statins)NA NCT01644188
ODYSSEY FH 1alirocumabplacebo (on top statins)NA NCT01623115
ODYSSEY FH 2alirocumabplacebo (on top statins)NA NCT01709500
ODYSSEY HIGH FH alirocumabplacebo (on top statins)NA NCT01617655
ODYSSEY Long-Term, 2015alirocumabplacebo (on top statins)2341 (1553/788) Exploratory NCT01507831
ODYSSEY OUTCOMES, 2018alirocumabplacebo (on top statins)18924 (9462/9462) Confirmatory NCT01663402