plasma homocysteine lowering intervention

TrialStudied treatmentControl treatmentpatientsROBResultNCT

cardiovascular prevention

folic acid
SU.FOL.OM3folic acid, vit B12 and vit B6placeboNegative ISRCTN41926726
CHAOS-2, 2002folic acidplaceboNegative
GOES (Liem), 2003folic acidcontrol Risk of bias Negative
VISP (Toole), 2004high dose - folic acid, vit B12 and vit B6low dose - folic acid, vit B12 and vit B6 Low risk of bias Negative
FOLARDA (Liem), 2004folic acidcontrol Exploratory Negative
NORVIT (folic acid + B12) (Bonaa), 2006folic acid, B12control Low risk of bias NegativeNCT00266487
NORVIT (folic acid, B12 and vit B6) (Bonaa), 2006folic acid, vit B12 and vit B6control Low risk of bias Negative NCT00266487
HOPE-2 (Lonn), 2006folic acid, vit B12 and vit B6placebo Low risk of bias SuggestingNCT00106886
SEARCH, 2007folic acid, B12placebo Low risk of bias NegativeNCT00124072
WAFACS, 2008folic acid, vit B12 and vit B6placebo Low risk of bias NegativeNCT00000541
WENBIT (folic ac,B12), 2008folic acid, B12placebo Low risk of bias Negative NCT00354081
VITATOPS, 2010folic acid, vit B12 and vit B6placebo Low risk of bias SuggestingNCT00097669ÐX&
CSPPT, 2015folic acidplacebo Low risk of bias SuggestingNCT00794885