All type of patients: pinterest powerpoint 12016,12062,12017,12055,12054,12019,12018,12060,12057,12056,13354,13334,12065,12052
All types of patients: pinterest powerpoint 12016,12018,12055,12054,12056,12057,12060,12052,12062,12019,13334,12017,13354,12065
Drug naïve patients: pinterest powerpoint 12019
Patients inadequately controlled on MET+SU therapy : pinterest powerpoint 12018
Patients inadequately controlled on metformin: pinterest powerpoint 12056,12062,12055
Patients inadequately controlled on monotherapy : pinterest powerpoint 12017,12055,12056,12062
Patients inadequately controlled on TZD: pinterest powerpoint 12054
Patients insufficiently controlled on SU: pinterest powerpoint 12017
Patients with insufficient glycaemic control with bitherapy: pinterest powerpoint 12018,12054