Fosinopril clinical trials angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

SQ28555 - SQ 28555 - SQ-28555 - Fosinopril Sodium - Tensocardil - Tenso Stop - Dynacil - Fositens - Fosinil - Fozitec - Hiperlex - Newace - Fosinorm - Staril - Monopril - Fosenopril - Fosinopril

Recap Results Trial description old Pinterest treatment           Z

Acute myocardial infarction

Patients with or without HF:  1 trials  - FAMIS

Systematic early treatment (with or without sign of HF):  1 trials  - FAMIS

Heart failure

2 trials  - FEST (Erhardt) - Brown


1 trials  - Zannad et al